CMI is pleased to announce that we have 4 new product profiles to offer to our customers. Below are the .

Click on the photo to be taken to the profile’s webpage or you can download the product data sheet.

Harvest Panel

CMI’s Harvest roofing and siding panels are typically used for roofing, siding, custom trailers, rail cars and other agricultural applications.

Western Rib

Western Rib roofing and siding panels are typically used for roofing, siding, custom trailers, rail cars and other agricultural applications.


The SRC Panel is a durable, roofing and siding product.  SRC is typically used in the railway industry but will make a great addition to any roofing or siding project.


The A-Panel like the R-Panel is a durable, energy efficient and time-saving roofing or siding material that can help you cut costs on your next project.

Please contact us if you would like to speak with one of our representatives.




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