As the global focus on sustainability intensifies, corrugated metal is playing an increasingly important role. You’ll find companies using it in various ways in many industries, including transportation and construction.

Some people are surprised to learn about corrugated metal’s contribution to sustainability. After all, it’s not the type of “space-age material” that typically comes to mind when you think of innovation. However, its properties are precisely what mechanical engineers, architects, and others are looking for when designing and manufacturing trucks, trailers, and freight cars and when using it as a building material.

This article looks at the science of lightweighting, explaining what it is, why it’s more important than ever, and how corrugated metal is essential to lightweighting initiatives. It also explains why working with a company experienced in creating corrugated metal components is vital.


The term “lightweighting” is a relatively new addition to the manufacturing lexicon, or, at least, its rise to prominence is somewhat recent. However, the concept can trace its roots to the early days of transportation and construction. From the start, the pursuit of higher efficiency and better performance has been intertwined with the use of materials that are lighter but without sacrificing strength.

It’s challenging to pinpoint the precise origin of the practice of lightweighting. However, some of its earliest manifestations likely involved decisions to use wood or bamboo for specific components of carts, wagons, and structures rather than stone, steel, and other heavier materials.

In more modern times, the aviation industry, with its continual focus on minimizing weight and drag and maximizing lift, played a crucial role in driving lightweighting innovations in the early 20th century. The development of aluminum alloys and their adoption in aircraft construction marked a significant milestone in this journey.

The first use of the term “lightweighting” as shorthand for “making vehicles and materials lighter” may have occurred in the auto industry in the 1970s. The oil crisis of that era caused fuel prices to skyrocket. As a result, automakers scrambled to improve fuel economy, and reducing vehicle weight was a crucial tactic in those efforts. The term probably gained traction in engineering circles — where efficiency is a goal even in communication — and gradually spread to other industries.

Today, lightweighting has transcended its origins in aviation and automotive, becoming a central theme and a priority in many areas and industries. From consumer electronics to renewable energy, the pursuit of lighter, more efficient designs continues to drive innovation and shape the future of technology and sustainability.


Lightweighting with corrugated metal requires careful consideration of where and how to use the material. However, the time and effort invested in developing effective designs pays off in many ways, including:

  • Fuel Efficiency: Reducing vehicle weight directly translates to improved fuel economy in the transportation sector. Lighter vehicles require less energy to accelerate and maintain speed, resulting in fewer trips to the gas station and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. The benefits also apply to electric vehicles (EVs) in the form of less frequent charging sessions.
  • Environmental Impact: The construction industry is a major consumer of resources and a significant contributor to carbon emissions. Lightweighting buildings can reduce the overall demand for materials and energy, lessening their environmental impact.
  • Performance: In vehicles and buildings, lighter weight can enhance performance. Vehicles can accelerate faster, handle better, and brake more efficiently. Buildings can be constructed more quickly and easily and may be more resistant to environmental stresses.


The remarkable strength of corrugated metal comes primarily from its geometry. The grooves and ridges act as miniature beams, resisting bending and buckling forces.

When a load is applied to a corrugated sheet, the grooves distribute the stress across a wider area, preventing localized deformation. Additionally, the corrugations create a series of interconnected, inherently stable shapes. This further enhances the sheet’s stiffness and resistance to twisting.


Corrugated metal offers several advantages that make it perfect for lightweighting applications:

  • High Strength-to-Weight Ratio: As noted above, the shape of a corrugated metal sheet significantly increases its stiffness and strength compared to a flat sheet of the same thickness. This allows engineers to use thinner, lighter gauge metal without sacrificing structural performance.
  • Versatility: Corrugated metal can be formed into various shapes and sizes, making it adaptable to different design requirements, from structural to decorative.
  • Durability: Items made from corrugated metal are resistant to corrosion, impact, and fire, ensuring long-term performance in demanding environments.
  • Sustainability: Corrugated metal is often produced from recycled materials and is recyclable at the end of its life, contributing to a circular economy.


The transportation industry is increasingly embracing corrugated metal as a lightweighting solution. Some of its main applications include:

  • Body Panels: Corrugated metal can replace heavier steel panels in various areas of truck, trailer, and freight car bodies.
  • Floor Pans: The high strength-to-weight ratio of corrugated metal makes it suitable for floor pans, which must support the weight of passengers and cargo while resisting bending and deformation.
  • Bulkheads and Partitions: Corrugated metal can be used to create lightweight bulkheads and partitions that separate different compartments within a vehicle, such as the engine bay and passenger cabin.
  • Bumpers and Crash Structures: In some cases, automakers can incorporate corrugated metal into bumpers and crash structures to absorb energy during collisions.


The construction industry also capitalizes on the benefits of corrugated metal for lightweighting. Some notable applications include:

  • Roofing and Cladding: Corrugated metal sheets are popular for roofing and cladding due to their light weight, durability, and weather resistance. They can also contribute to a structure’s visual appeal.
  • Structural Decking: Corrugated metal decking can be used as a lightweight alternative to concrete slabs on floors and roofs.
  • Wall Panels: Designers and builders can use corrugated metal panels to create lightweight, non-load-bearing walls.
  • Composite Structures: Corrugated metal can be combined with other materials, such as concrete or foam, to create lightweight composite structures with enhanced strength and insulation properties.


Corrugated metal components and materials are ideal for many applications in the automotive, railway, and building industries. However, a provider must have an in-depth understanding of its properties to produce products that perform as expected.

Creating and forming corrugated metal for vehicle siding, building cladding, and other uses isn’t something any manufacturer can do. Similarly, not every company can provide the product knowledge and implementation best practices necessary to use the components and materials correctly and effectively. That’s why companies looking to “get it right the first time” turn to Corrugated Metals, Inc.


As the demand for lighter, more efficient vehicles and buildings continues to grow, corrugated metal is poised to play an even more prominent role in the lightweighting revolution. Advances in manufacturing techniques, such as 3D printing and laser cutting, are enabling the creation of complex corrugated shapes with even greater strength-to-weight ratios. In addition, ongoing research into new materials and coatings is expanding the possibilities for corrugated metal applications.

In the transportation sector, we can expect to see corrugated metal used in even more critical structural components, such as chassis and suspension systems. In the construction industry, corrugated metal will likely find its way into more innovative building systems, such as modular and prefabricated structures.


Once associated primarily with agricultural and industrial sheds, storage facilities, and other structures, corrugated metal is emerging as a key player in the lightweighting movement. In the transportation and construction materials industries, in particular, its unique combination of strength, versatility, and sustainability makes it an ideal material for reducing the weight of vehicles and buildings without sacrificing performance or safety. As engineers and architects continue pushing the boundaries of lightweighting, corrugated metal is sure to remain at the forefront of innovation.

Companies looking to leverage corrugated metal’s unique characteristics are wise to work with a provider with extensive experience in this versatile material, like CMI. Our expertise in creating customized corrugated metal components for trucks, trailers, and other vehicles is unrivaled. We’re also a recognized leader in roofing, cladding, decking, and other materials for the construction industry.

When you source components and materials from CMI, you know you’re obtaining the highest quality products, but that’s not all. You also get actionable insights from some of the industry’s foremost experts. That combination of outstanding materials and attentive service brings transportation and building materials stakeholders back to us again and again for projects in the U.S. and around the world.

If you’re considering a project where strong, lightweight materials are crucial, we encourage you to contact CMI today.

Whether you need corrugated metal products soon or are just starting to educate yourself on their applications and benefits, our experts are happy to discuss your requirements and how corrugated metal can help meet them.